Monday, September 8, 2008

Headrush! for Genius

Have you ever touched the science bible? If yes solve what my friend Albert gotta give. Alright, Albert it's all yours.
Goodday kiddos. How much you know about Mole in Stoichiometry? My old man's mouldy memory can still recall what my Science teacher taught me, you know. Solve this problem.
Find the Mole of NO3 with the concentration of 18g / dm3 with it's volume of 4200cm3.
It smells like the butterfly spirit got it!!!!
Thank you Albert. That's the reason why I hate Moles. It's not a stab at you my darling Little Qihui.


Anonymous said...

1.22 moles (to 3sf) :D
My friend Albert seh.

Zacchaeus said...

1.21915820029 mol of NO3 Sir

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